இவருதான் அடுத்த முதல்வரு.............

நாளைய முதல்வரென்று தன்னை ஊர் ஊராய் சொல்லிகொண்டிருக்கும் CAPTAIN விஜயகாந்து மற்றும் அவரது கட்சியான தேமுதிக , நடந்து முடிந்த பாராளுமன்ற தேர்தலில் தங்கள் மீது வழக்குகள் உள்ள வேட்பாளர்களை அதிக எண்ணிக்கையில் நிறுத்தியிருந்தது.



ஏன் இப்படி?
இக்கேள்வியே உன்

The word ‘status’ has so many synonyms including social standing, ranking and
social position etc., The Oxford Dictionary of sociology defines ‘Achieved status’ as any
social position attained by an individual as a result of his or her personal accomplishments
in open competition’. On the contrary the ‘Ascribed status’ of a person is allocated either
by birth or by family background and which cannot be altered according to individual
What are the criteria in our society to fix status on an individual? Mere integrity,
credibility, intelligence, morality, ethics and hard work etc., are not considered as criteria. If
so, then how the noveaux riches, the upstarts and all sundries from any abnoxious and
illegal backgrounds are given a recognized status? Then, why the road workers, Scavengers
and other manual workers of this kind, despite their sincerity remain in low status?
Many city corporation sanitary Inspectors are agents in Insurance Corporations also.
This they do by legalizing it by getting their agency in their family members’ names. These
‘Parasitic’ agents make hefty amounts as monthly commission by fleecing the innocent
sanitary workers. More than ninety percent of these workers’ policies are settled through
surrender mode, instead of allowing them to mature, thereby leaving the sanitary workers to
face a huge loss. And the same sanitary workers are forced to sign a new policy contract –
courtesy the power of sanitary inspectors. Here the society places the sanitary inspectors
above the sanitary workers in its hierarchy ladder.
A friend of this author once introduced a well- dressed man, who is a milk agent. In
addition this gentleman also runs an S.T.D booth, a fancy store and to cap it all rents all
types of ‘pirated’ C.Ds including porns. He frequents lock-ups too. He makes this (in)
decent living with all his family members support. The status that this ‘pirate’ family enjoys
is not enjoyed by any other manual worker or scavenger of his area. This type of ‘statusdichotomy
is obvious in all fields of this society, if observed objectively. A Barber and a
cobbler are no match for a corrupt politician and a promiscuous cinema star. Where does
the flaw lie?
Each individual occupies a number of status positions. Some ascribed and some
achieved. One status position which, in most or all social situations, will overpower or
dominate all other statuses is termed as ‘Master status’. For the sanitary worker, scavenger,
barber, cobbler or any other manual worker it is their birth, caste identities and their ‘mean’
job that are ‘Master status’. Whereas for the sanitary inspector, ‘pirate’ milk-agent, corrupt
politician and ‘promiscuous’ cine -star, it is their money, wealth, power and fame that are
‘Master status’ – where their birth and caste identities add to the rating in not considering
their illegal and sinful activities in fixing their status.
The ‘collective conscience’ of the present society has its base in the concepts of
‘sacred and profane’. But their ‘collective conscience’ it seems has now become ‘corrupted
conscience’, that the idea of ‘sacred and profane’ is misplaced on wrong persons. Even an
external ‘occupational’ soot on the face of a sincere worker makes him ‘profane’ and so he
is defiled. But the putrid persons with awkward, unethical activities with all their
superficiality and external decorativeness are considered sacred and so they are sanctified.
Here ‘fraud’ is superior to ‘filth’. Persons battening on the hapless public for their selffattening
are rewarded with high status.
‘Ascribed status’ has its own special premium over ‘Achieved status’ where the
ranking smacks the birth – based prejudices. Here Mahathma Gandhiji’s later year’s
advocacy of horizontal placement of all varnas instead of vertical placement of Varna
hierarchy should be taken into consideration.
Ascribed or achieved, let the status be decided on work, sincerity and ethics. A
society that gives undue respect and status for falsity, fraud, insincerity and incredibility;
a society that encourages and sustains hypocrisy; a society that feigns ignorance about all
the prevailing discrimination, if not immediately, at least in the near future, should change.
Otherwise, it is bound to face the Tremors.